
Austin-Bergstrom International Airport

The Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (ABIA), is located just 7.5 miles or a quick 15 minute drive from Austin downtown. The airport services 70+ nonstop domestic and international destinations. Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (ABIA) is a state-of-the-art airport with 25 gates, full customs facilities ready for the international traveler, TSA Pre-Check, Border Protection's Global Entry program, and more.

Getting to and from the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport - and all around town - is easy. Learn about the airport and your transportation options before your flight so you can make the most of your visit.

Find your way around town with helpful MapsMaps and bike routes and  Transportation information for bus and MetroRail routes, bike and scooter rentals, pedicabs, and more. Want to know more about the weather before you travel? Find out how best to take advantage of September weather with our guide to Austin Weather & Seasons.

Most major rental car companies are available at ABIA, and other standard transportation options include the Capital Metro Bus Line and ride-hailing services from companies such as UberLyft, and Ride. Austin SuperShuttle is also available to transport passengers from the airport to locations around the city. Frequent shuttle service to downtown is available for those who want to explore Austin's many diverse entertainment districts. Find everything from trendy shops and restaurants to cool live music venues, renowned museums and galleries, and scenic outdoor destinations, all within a short drive from the airport.

Standard transportation options include:

Capital Metro Bus System

Austin's public Capital Metro Bus System serves a population of more than one million in its 535-square mile service area. With a system of more than 1,600 bus stops and 82 routes, Central Texas is served by local, MetroRapid limited-stop, MetroFlyer, MetroExpress, and University of Texas Shuttle routes. The CapMetro App allows riders to buy passes and plan trips. Day passes cost $2.50 for local bus service (including MetroRapid) and $7 for commuter services (including MetroExpress). Visit for more information.


Connecting Austin on a 32-mile line that stretches all the way from the city of Leander to downtown Austin next to the Convention Center, MetroRail provides service to nine stations in between. The train operates six days a week, with service until around 7 pm Monday-Thursday, and until 1:30 am Friday and 2:30 am Saturday. Day passes cost $7. Visit for more information.

Taxis & Ride-Hailing

Austin is tapped into the latest tech-based transit. Get on-demand rides any time of day, and find deals on local cabs and ride-hailing options with the Austin Insider Deals program.

Carter Transportation Austin / SuperShuttle & ExecuCar Austin Reservations,, or use the app! Use discount code E5NWT to receive the best pricing. Please opt in for text messaging to receive airport welcome instructions and driver communication. 

  • 24-hour service to/from hotel or anywhere you need to go
  • Service options for individuals/groups– Black Car, SUV, Shared-Ride Shuttle, Non-Stop Shuttle
  • Shuttle guests, visit the SuperShuttle ticket counter conveniently located just past baggage carousel #1. 
  • Black Car/SUV guests will be greeted in the baggage claim area by a driver with a name sign.    

Please note: SuperShuttle & ExecuCar Austin is transitioning to Carter Transportation Austin. If the SuperShuttle/ExecuCar site doesn’t work, make your reservation at All passengers will be picked up whether they book at,, or